Friday, September 05, 2008

Crusader test & more.

I'm FREE! Only joking. I've been drawing the Crusader strip since May this year, and it is only six pages. Mental I know, but It has taken me that long. I'm hoping the next couple of strips are going to be a LOT quicker.

Anyhow- this is a pic I did as a test for Richmond to see what his colouring would look like. Pretty impressive to my eyes is the answer.

These are also the latest crop of sketches I've worked on recently.

Colossus of the X-men.

A rather tired looking mutie.


David Baillie said...

Hey Dave - couldn't sleep (or come up with an end to a script I'm writing) so I started clicking around the web and hit your blog.

Great sketches mate!

Looking forward to more Crusader!

Andrew Glazebrook said...

Cool work here !!