Friday, June 30, 2006

The Mighty Yammer: 47

This week has been steady. Got Albert & myrtle almost finished (line-art wise), so that strip ‘should’ be delivered soon.

I’ve had some nice strips sorted for Lost Property 03, so I’m pleased to see work beginning to trickle in for that.

FutureQuake garnered a pair of mentions in the current Comics International, which I’ll post here, and one of which raises an interesting question: What is the best format for presenting comics on t’internet? We currently have pdf’s of 1-3 on the FutureQuake website, with 4 to follow this summer. I can just sort another pdf, but is it the right thing to do?

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I’ve had to replace the home printer and scanner this week, so I bought a lovely new HP printer/scanner from PC world. The quality of the scans is markedly up on my previous machine so I’m well chuffed.


Friday, June 23, 2006

The Mighty Yammer: 46

This week has seen me reach the inks on the long awaited Albert & Myrtle, which is progressing steadily. I've also completed two pages for the new Whistler series to appear in Dogbreath.

On another note, I'm wary of waffling here too much, as I think there are probably about 5 people who read it. That being said, those five will all know a lot of stuff anyway about me so why not?

Mark Woodland and myself have been approached to contribute some of our Jon & Gorath strips to a comic that is being produced and I've been helping sort out some images for a piece featuring Rogue Trooper. It will eventually appear on the 2000ad Review website. In fact, this is a pic I drew for that that the mighty Mini Bolt coloured for me. Think he did a bang-up job myself.

I've had word that someone appears to be running some sort of mini-vendetta against 2000ad related members of the UK Small press scene on Wikipedia. A bit pointless really, as most of those who produce the comics don't provide the Wiki info and so don't even know it is there. There is even a photo of me up on the Futurequake page that I didn't know about till Mrs Bolt found it! crazy.

Ah well, there are currently five episodes of Yammer left to finish the initial 50, so don't forget to check back next week for more!

Friday, June 16, 2006

The Mighty Yammer: 45

Not a lot to say this week.


Friday, June 02, 2006

The mighty Yammer: 43

Agh! Missed a week! So much for a strip a week!
Any road- This week I’ve finished the second Dreddheads strip, which will see the light of day eventually. I’ve taken part in a project for the 2000ad Review site.
I’ve plotted and begun pencils on a strip that will hopefully be part of a project for MeCon in august and I’ve also finished the first page of the new series for Whistler.

Also, some scribbles for a strip for the next FQ: Father Whiplash!

A busy time in the house of Bolt!
