Friday, May 05, 2006

The Mighty Yammer: 40

The Cd’s for both FutureQuake 06 and MangaQuake02 are in being printed, and everything else seems set for the Bristol weekend!

I’ve completed 3 new episodes of Jon & Gorath this week, ready for them to return after what seems like an age!

Also Dreddheads is proceeding well, the page is half pencilled and should be finished this time next week.



Ed said...

How come no one else (not even Dave!) posts here? I'm enjoying the Yammer - I'll be sorry to see him go.

Don't forget that you have a page to draw for a particular project too...

Bolt-01 said...

Ed: what is this page?

As for the Yammer- I'm sure he'll be back eventually.

Ed said...

What?!? Tell me you're joking! The Al Ewing one-pager...remember...?!

This isn't retribution because I pissed you off earlier, is it...? Sorry about all that - I'm a twat.

But then you knew that already.