Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Tales of the GI: In the zone...

I've not posted much lately- seeing as I've not really had anything to say...

FQP is plodding along really, sales are slow for the current crop, but we are in the period between issues now so I expect things to just carry on till we start to get some new strips in for the next issues.

I've finished a strip for Something wicked 03, written by my Jon & Gorath collaborator Mark Woodland it has a couple of panels I'm really proud of.

I'm also hard at work on the next episode of a strip with the mighty Sprout, see image for a tease. The second strip in this saga is five pages of fun, and I'm enjoying it so much i've managed to reach my fourth pencilled page since last Friday, a personal record, and the images are just falling out of the pencil.

The first episode of this characters tale (In the Dark) is over at 2000adreview at the moment, but it will appear soon in the Rogue Trooper fanzine "STAK!", that is fast approaching completion.

More soon...