Friday, December 01, 2006

Jon & Gorath 23

Missed a week didn't i? Sigh... And I was doing so well an' all. Ah well.

Working on:
Jon & Gorath 25-31: 25-30 all inked, started the tones on them and will be lettering as I get chance.

Latest from FQP:
Coming soon to the Birmingham comic show! I've got some extra copies ordered from the printer so please stop by and support us.

I've got copies of the colour pages for A little knowledge and as soon as I can get the lettering assembled I'll be putting them on the website. This is to offset the fact that some of the copies printed were too dark to allow the lovely art to be seen clearly.

I collected a proof from the printer this morning and despite being coverless it looks fantastic! Visit the FQP Shop to preorder a copy.
